This weekend was filled with some fun Christmas activities that required some homemade happiness!!
Besides baking a forest of Sugar Cookie Christmas trees (darn, I should have taken a picture! sorry), these Brownie Christmas trees were a yummy addition to a fundraiser.
9x13 Brownie mix (made according to instructions)
Bake in a 9 x 13 pan lined with foil coated with cooking spray according to directions. Make sure the foil comes up the sides of the pan so the brownies can be easily lifted out of the pan in the foil.
Cool brownies to make them easy to cut by popping them in the freezer for about 45 minutes.
Remove from the freezer and cut into 3" strips. Cut triangles from the strips. Poke candy cane sticks in bottom of "tree". Drizzle green frosting on the top and sprinkle with decorations.
Ta Da! The world's yummiest Christmas tree!
The party theme was "Ugly Christmas Sweater" here's our attempt at a Pinterest favorite
Dissected a stuffed Gingerbread Man from the Dollar Store and sewed it on a sweater from Goodwill. Add a little ric rac and there you have a first prize winner of the Ugly Sweater contest. Extra points because it was "homemade"!